First Step

Happy Secretary's Day, Kate!

Kate hinted that she liked flowers and that Secretary's day was coming up... Well, she never said she liked vases! The Technical Operations crew put together a little surprise for her special day. We got her flowers, trees, sod, lawn bunnies, a bird, a lawn mower, beach ball, lawn chair, picket fence, watering can, and, most importantly, liquid beverage refreshment appropriate to our summer theme.
Yes, that's real grass.
Yes, our CEO and our office manager both love it.
Most importantly, we stunned Kate speechless for whole moments! She really loves it!
The Thank You note
The Making-Of Links:
Preparing the Summer's Day
Accessorizing the Yard
Care and Feeding of the Yard
Arival... Arrival...
Giggling All Smiles...
A Quiet Garden lawnchair
The Making-Of Links:
Preparing the Summer's Day
Accessorizing the Yard
Care and Feeding of the Yard